Although I captured this photo in 2019, apparently, we’re due for our annual snowfall again soon, which brings the photo back to mind.
After arriving in Sequim in September 2018 after 30 years in nearby Renton, seeing over 2.5 feet of snow accumulate in February was a rude awakening – especially after being told “Sequim is so much sunnier than the rest of Puget Sound”; and “Sequim hasn’t gotten much snow in the last 20 years.” by the locals.
So after helping my hubby shovel it for hours and cursing our real estate agent under my breath, I took in on myself to make a statement of my displeasure by snowballing the SunLand sign at the entrance to our neighborhood.
But I did so before I complained to another resident about how surprised I was to see so much SNOW, when she relayed that she had just moved to Sequim from Hawaii – in order to escape the heat!
That’s when my whining stopped and I put myself in her place, but all the while dreaming of Hawaii…