Jamestown Beach Takeoff

On yet another sunny Sequim day, I found this local GBH (Great Blue Heron) ready to blast off into the wild blue yonder after fishing for breakfast on Jamestown Beach.

Their massive wings never cease to impress, and when you’re fortunate enough to encounter one, it’s difficult not to come home with a photo to capture the moment.

There are some really cool facts about them is on the www.allaboutbirds.com website, and this is one: ‘Great Blue Herons have specialized feathers on their chest that continually grow and fray. The herons comb this “powder down” with a fringed claw on their middle toes, using the down like a washcloth to remove fish slime and other oils from their feathers as they preen. Applying the powder to their underparts protects their feathers against the slime and oils of swamps.

Who knew???