Faraway Friday-My new Galapagos Friend

The Galapagos Seal Lion pup was soooo curious about us humans snorkeling. He just wanted to play. When they play with each other, they blow bubbles at each other. This one was darting around so fast all my other shots were just of tail. But on this pass he came STRAIGHT AT ME, knocked my mask off and blew bubble in my face! I only got the shot as a mostly defensive maneuver putting my camera in front and remembering to still shoot!

Wildlife Wednesday-Galapagos Sea Lion

We learned that the difference from a Galapagos Sea LION and a California seal is that it has ears (which you can see on this singing lil dude). He was just singing away, not afraid of anyone in the group. This was taken from about 12 ft away on the trail that we were required to stay on.

Galapagos Hawk

This was one of the few non tagged hawks we saw. It must be younger. Several years ago the powers at be decided to poison all the rats. But then it killed the hawks that ate the rats. So then they tried to collect all the Hawks before they poisoned the rats again. (I know what your saying–how are they going to catch all a the hawks? Of COURSE THEY DIDNT! )So round two of killing off the hawks…