Happy Thanksgiving, Daddy

On Vetern’s Day, I had every intention of posting a picture of my Dad. a vetern of World War II. Could I find the picture I was looking for of him in uniform? No! So today I am taking this opportunity to post a picture of a wonderful man, and his lovely wife June, both of whom I am very thankful for and grateful. Dad is a retired wheat farmer…I am not sure they ever really retire. He and June lives in a small…and I do mean SMALL town in the Panhandle of Oklahoma. Dad tells wonderful stories about surviving the Dirty Thirties, riding a horse to school, and how his dad, my grandfather, told him he would be entitled to vote Republican after he made his second million. (Dad was thinking of voting Republican when Eisenhower ran for President.) He would be the first to tell you war is an ugly and often inhumane act. Yet every Vetern’s Day and Memorial Day, this 86 year old man puts American Flags on all of the graves of the Veterns in my home town. His example of quietly honoring and remembering those who have served is an inspiration to me. I love you, Dad.

Smallest Store in Downtown Sequim

On Washington Street in downtown Sequim, is a very small storefront, Sequim Bay Merchants.com. Their window caught my eye. I loved the snowman, his sign, and the trees in the background are sticks with marshmellows stuck on the end! It wasn’t until I got home that I realize my snowman was missing an eye in the picture. I don’t know if it was the angle I shot the picture or just what happened. Local viewers will have to stop by and check out some of their unusal gifts.

Fall at Purple Haze


While waiting for Mass Friday evening, I decided to take a page from my brother Denton and take a walk downtown. This is the Fall window at the downtown store of “Purple Haze”, the folks who started the lavender craze in Sequim. It’s a wonderful place to find lavender scented products, nice people, and unusual gifts. Their website also has wonderful recipes. they include Lavender Honey Bunches, Pear and Lavender Clafoutis, and Lavender Margaritas. A previous “post”shows the out side of the store during the day in late summer.