I’m not a fan of holly trees (other than their colorful berries) but this one served as a nice support for our hummingbirds over the past 6 years, and as a great spot for them to nest, regardless of their prickly leaves. Although the tree is in my neighbor’s backyard, I can reach it with my longest lens and get a nice portrait, as long as the bird cooperates.
But to my surprise, when I went to refresh my feeder the other day – the tree was gone – as if it had disappeared into thin air – and the bird, who dive-bombs me every time I fill the feeder was nowhere in sight.
As I found out later, my neighbor had the holly removed while we were out of town, without knowing its value from the hummer’s standpoint, and apparently not aware of it’s impact on my photography.
But the good news is, the hummer returned, I’m attempting to grow a new holly (in a pot that’s closer to my house), and I’m now getting to know the neighbor better – and he’s welcomed me to photograph his flowers.