Beach #2 at Kalaloch

Washington beaches get huge amounts of logs on them, especially after storms or high tides. You must be very careful to NEVER be near a log that is near the surf. The surf tosses and rolls thousand pound logs like little tinker toys, and people routinely get pinned or crushed by them.

Faraway (not-so) Friday. Oregon Coast

This was shot near Otter Rock. Next to this I shot hundreds of photos of Pelicans. But the hole in the wall finally pulled me away. I couldn’t get cany closer because the rocks were SOOOO SLIPPERY with that green algae you can see in the photo. After several falls I reminded myself I’m in my 60s and don’t recover as fast!

The tree of life–Kalaloch

This AMAZING tree is reportedly over a hundred years old. For decades it has been suspended with NO EARTH below it (some roots going into the sides). But it clearly is still very much alive–note the green foliage at the top.