Welcome to New Zealand

After a 3 day crossing from Australia we arrived at Milford Sound. WE had to wait for 3 hours outside the sound because it was so fogged in. When we finally entered there were literally HUNDREDS on waterfalls because it had been raining.

So all the brave souls ran to the forward deck with their rain gear on.

Unfortunately it never cleared off and this was as high up the mountains as we could see. I was bummed because I was looking forward to seeing the soaring Mitre Peak.

Fairy Penguins

These cute lil Fairy Penguins are only 9-12 inches tall. 2000-3000 come ashore after feeding each night at sunset. First, one or two will run about 10 feet inland and then chicken out. THis goes on for about 30 minutes. Then a few finally get brave and then they waddle in in groups of 20-30 for about 45 minutes. Sorry it’s a lil blurry but I had to take this one handed by my foot because they do not allow photography because too many people kept using flash. To see a cute video here is a link to my video. https://photos.app.goo.gl/ncsGdRebcpsfiWrQA

On Phillip Island they have created a center to protect the penguins and have built viewing platforms to keep humans from disturbing the penguins too much as they return to their burrows.