I took the photo of these four individuals at the steampunk festival. (see original below) Then I used photoshops new AI to create a London alley. Then I used several textures to create the art you see here.
I’m just a bleeding heart…
These delicate flowers were interspersed throughout the greenery on one trail at the Bloedel Reserve.
Faraway Friday-Fairy Penguins
ON Phillip Island, Australia there is a very large colony of Fairy Penguins. They are only 9-12″ tall. These guys are all dressed up at the visitor center for what I do not know…
Cooling in the mud pond
Mr. Frog was happy in his little mud puddle at Bloedel Reserve
Wildlife Wednesday-Galapagos
I was snorkeling and popped up for air, and here were two Blue footed Boobies and a bunch of cactus. It was the first boobies I had seen this trip. I was so excited I dipped my snorkel and got a snootful of water.
Regenerative beauty
I luv nurse logs in the forests. They are beautiful and provide life to so many creatures and other plants. (Bloedel Reserve)
You’re one of a kind…
lil white flower peaking from the huge cloverlike leaves