Robin Hill Farm

Robin Hill.JPG Less than a half mile from my house is Robin Hill Park part of the Clallam County Park District. The park offers a great deal to local residents and those visiting in the area. One of my favorite spots is the Master Gardeners demonstration garden plot. The food they raise there is fantastic. If I remember the story correctly, a Mr. McClure sold the land to the county for an incredibly low price with the provision he be allowed to stay in the family home until his death. Unfortunately, he did not live long enough to see the park developed in to the lovely spot it is today. It also has the Olympic Discovery Trail running along one edge. More about this the trail later this week.

9 thoughts on “Robin Hill Farm”

  1. I love parks in the US. They are so clean and so well designed. When I lived in Austin, we used to go and buy our vegetables at a a place like the one in your photo.

  2. Look forward to hearing more about the trail.
    We have a famous series of book here in Britain called The Forsyte Saga. Robin Hill was the name of a house that played a very important part in the story.

  3. Bonne idée cette ferme avec ce jardin. a côté d’evry on a des fermes, où l’on va nous meme cueillir nos fruits et legumes, cela coute moins cher et c’est amusant de se prendre pour un fermier pendant une demi journee ;o)

    Good idea this farm with this garden. beside evry there are farms, where one us same will gather our fruit and vegetables, that coute less expensive and they is amusing to be caught for a farmer during a half day ;o)

  4. The selfish side of me hopes the locals don’t view your site today because Robin Hill is one of my favorite places to go for solitude in the woods! I rarely run into anyone there and the trails are a perfect mixture of flat and steep. It was funny because I took the dogs there this morning and then signed on and it was the featured picture for the day.

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