Dungeness River Nature Center Trestle

Another favorite spot for many us is the Nature Center, and although I photographed it in spring, the infrared/sepia treatment I applied to it almost makes it appear like snow on the trees.

If you haven’t visited the center, or haven’t since the new building and landscaping redesign, then you’re truly missing what is now one of Sequim’s most beautiful attractions.

As stated on their website at https://dungenessrivercenter.org/about-us/our-story/, “The Dungeness River Nature Center’s mission is to inspire understanding, respect, and stewardship of our natural and cultural resources”. And the trestle still stands a bridge between Sequim’s past and its present.

The View from Helen’s Pond

Ahhh…the joys of winter on the Olympic Peninsula

The view of Helen’s Pond off of 3 Crabs Road, with Canada geese dotting the sky, offers a warmer approach to January than the snow on the ridge, at least for me.

And the return of the Trumpeters at Kirner Pond is the icing on the cake!

Olympic Peninsula Audubon Members – Please join us for this FREE event this evening:

Tonight, a dozen Olympic Peninsula Audubon Society member photographers will be presenting a collection of their photos along with narrative about where, when and how they recorded them.

I will be among them, and the above is a sampling of the local photos I’ll be presenting. I’ll also be displaying several of the ones I’ve photographed in Argentina, California, and Florida, while the other photographers will have varying collections as well, all of which are impressive.

If you’re a member, great, but if not, please consider signing up. I hate to leave anyone out! So here’s a link to their website: https://olympicpeninsulaaudubon.org/membership

The presentation will also be presented on Zoom for those members who would rather attend in their jammies.

Sequim to Whidbey Island via the ferry

It was cold and wintery day for a trip to anywhere, but the view from one of our ferries can make it all worthwhile. The Cascade Mountains were peeking through the clouds and the early morning sun displayed a range of color from a beautiful blue to a soft and lovely magenta.

Whenever I board the ferry, I’m always hoping for leaping orcas, humpbacks, or dolphins, but there was no whining from me on this trip…and that in itself is remarkable!

Lenticular Clouds, Hurricane Ridge

Another image from my day at Hurricane Ridge (with the dreaded snowshoes)…

Not only were the snowdrifts amazing, the sky was getting darker and more intense by the moment. Soon waves of clouds swirled across the mountains threatening even more snow, wind, and COLD.

After removing the snowshoes, I grabbed my sled, headed off to a section of hard packed snow, quickly landed on my butt and captured this shot shortly thereafter. In my world, success comes at a price!

Double Rainbow at 3 Crabs Beach

What better way to start a new week than with a rainbow!

Somehow rainbows seem to signal new beginnings and although I captured this one several years ago, I think it’s rather appropriate now. It signals a fresh start not only for the new week, but a new year, and a new focus.