Coyote Crossing

While scanning for Northern Harriers and Red-Tailed hawks on Towne Road, I was surprised to spot two handsome and apparently healthy coyotes passing by. Both seemed very healthy with thick winter coats that blended beautifully in with their environment. And while I was anxious to get a shot, they were not about to accommodate me.

So, I credit my husband Jim for helping me to get this one. His quick thinking when he gave off a shrill whistle stopped one coyote in its tracks, while its mate quickly took off into the trees.

Afterwards, I learned that as a young boy, Jim whistled at deer to get their attention while hunting and never forgot the technique…who knew?!

And by the way, like me, he now “hunts” with a camera.

A Tender Moment

It had been awhile since I’d gotten close enough to photograph our elk herd, which I consider to be the gems of our community. But I was fortunate to spot them yesterday evening and to share in this tender moment between two cows.

The anticipation of seeing them, both the cows and the bulls, keeps me enthusiastic about hauling my gear, bundling up and waiting for the right moment, although it’s hit and miss as to whether they’ll show up, or “pose”.

I love the challenge though and when I take out-of-towners to their typical spot, they understand completely, although they often ask, “why would anyone name this SCHMUCK Road”???

The Perfect Couple

I found these two snuggling up on a snag not long ago, and although a bit far from Sequim (at Semiahmoo), they have plenty of siblings, and/or cousins, in our area. And seeing that we have such clear blue skies as I write this, I couldn’t resist sharing them with you.

Although nothing is ever “perfect” with any couple, I think this pair comes quite close.

Female Northern Harrier

Although not my best image, this photo gives a good indication of the difference between the female and the male Harrier and shows her owl-like facial features.

On their website at So All About Birds states the following:

‘Northern Harriers are the most owl-like of hawks (though they’re not related to owls). They rely on hearing as well as vision to capture prey. The disk-shaped face looks and functions much like an owl’s, with stiff facial feathers helping to direct sound to the ears’.

Note the white strip across the top of the tail as well, it’s a clear indication of an Northern Harrier, both male and female.

The View from Helen’s Pond

Ahhh…the joys of winter on the Olympic Peninsula

The view of Helen’s Pond off of 3 Crabs Road, with Canada geese dotting the sky, offers a warmer approach to January than the snow on the ridge, at least for me.

And the return of the Trumpeters at Kirner Pond is the icing on the cake!

Olympic Peninsula Audubon Members – Please join us for this FREE event this evening:

Tonight, a dozen Olympic Peninsula Audubon Society member photographers will be presenting a collection of their photos along with narrative about where, when and how they recorded them.

I will be among them, and the above is a sampling of the local photos I’ll be presenting. I’ll also be displaying several of the ones I’ve photographed in Argentina, California, and Florida, while the other photographers will have varying collections as well, all of which are impressive.

If you’re a member, great, but if not, please consider signing up. I hate to leave anyone out! So here’s a link to their website:

The presentation will also be presented on Zoom for those members who would rather attend in their jammies.