Faraway Friday-Hadza Hunter

Views of Sequim, the Olympic Peninsula. . .and beyond
This man is a member of the Detoga tribe. They are metal workers and melt down just about anything from the kitchen sink to car parts to get the metal to work with.
This was taken at a resort in Orlando Florida. The trees near the lake were FILLED with the birds. I have not been able to identify for sure but it looks like our egrets but I’ve never seen with black feather tips…Anyone know for sure?
We were folowing this Hadzada hunter thru the thorne laden brush when he stopped and gave us this scowl… I think it conveyed you Americans are so bloody noisy!
Spotted Leopard at a wildlife sanctuary in Montana. We were able to photograph her out in the open–from a respectable distance of course!
I was told “you will come from the animals–but what you’ll remember most is the people.” That became very true.
These members of the Detoga tribe specialize in metal works. Here they are making arrow heads.