One of these birds is not like the other….Did you guess oyster catcher? There was a fine buffet lunch served in the eel grass for all birdie friends.
Category: Travels
Wildlife Wednesday-San Juan Fox
THE JUMP: This male could hear the voles/moles deep in the grass or even underground and then he would LEAP.
When he finished his leap all you could see was the tip of his tail…
Faraway Friday-Oregon Coast
This was taken at Otter Rock a very popular surfing area.
Wildlife Wednesday-Galapagos
This guy was really hanging out cliffside. That’s gotta be hard with big webbed feet!
Faraway (not-so) Friday
Oregon Coast–in aptly named Whale Cove! A baby humpback whale.
Wildlife Wednesday–Galapagos
How you doin’? Said the Blude Footed Boobie
Faraway Friday-Galapagos Couldn’t you build a better nest?
This frigate male really needs a course in nest building. This poor chick could barely stay on/in.