Faraway Friday –Longyearbyn

Avalanche-by colleen Bittner

If you look at the rows across the mountain side above the city you will see them repairing the avalanche breaks. They are 40ft tall steel posts connected together all across the mountain. When an avalanche triggers the posts slow/stop the whole side from coming down on the town. Last year an avalance broke almost all of the breaks and so they were replacing them via helicopter teams and LOTS of workers. There is such a limited time for them to work in.


Another very HARD task was to try to capture a bird in motion…but to capture the blur. You do this by setting your shutter speed pretty slow about 1/25th and trying to move your camera with the bird-at exactly the same speed it’s moving without moving your camera any other direction. You take hundreds of shots and pray that one of them comes out.

The goal is for the head and feet to be clear and the wings and background will be in motion. This was one of my few keepers…