Sunrise in Homer Alaska. The fog bank created a cool shot at the float plane dock.
Views of Sequim, the Olympic Peninsula. . .and beyond
Sunrise in Homer Alaska. The fog bank created a cool shot at the float plane dock.
Ok I have a real thing for owls and SEA OTTERS. Can they be any cuter?
I love the big bubbles that appeared every time he popped up. It always looked like he was taking a bubble bath as he scrubbed his fur.
Taken in Homer Alaska.
This little octopus in the Galapagos crammed himself into a shell and hid. But I see you. Can you see his eye?
Merganzer mama and chicks up in Crecsent Lake Alaska.
This Blue Footed Booby mom has one big fuzzy chick!
Ok photographically this is pretty soft…but this bear family was WAY up in the cliffs about 300yds from shore. It was the only cubs we saw at Lake Skilak in AK.
This sand bar was FILLED with seals. All on shore were white/brown but one lil juvenile in the water was grey with black spots.