Look! Up in the sky!

It’s a rainbow cloud! Oh, okay. I think it’s actually iridescence. This effect is a diffraction of light through water droplets in the cloud. Light is traveling through water droplets that are typically of a uniform size and the light is broken down into the color spectrum. That said, this was a pretty cool spectacle for someone who likes looking at clouds. That would be me.

Innocent clouds

We spent the last day of summer at Ocean City State Park. The sky became a welcoming blue with gorgeous banks of clouds in the distance.

Not long after dark the clouds decided they’d played nice long enough. It began to rain. With few breaks it rained all night. And all the next day. We decided to pass on exploring our third intended five star campground and head for the warm, dry roof at home. And our very own hot shower. Compared to tent camping our little new-to-us trailer is a four star resort. Compared to our trailer our home is nirvana. And there’s nothing like a few days away to make the comparison ever more vivid.

Our trip to Florence

Okay. We didn’t go to the Florence you’re thinking of, unless your mind immediately went to Florence, Oregon, located on the central Oregon coast. We took a trip there last month to meet up with a friend from California, Marie, whose photos you see posted today. She captured one of our evenings with such elegance I had to show you two of my favorites. (Thank you, Marie!)

Florence is located at the north end of the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area, the largest coastal sand dunes in North America. The dunes stretch for 40 miles along the coast and vary from typical beach dunes with low grasses to inland parabola dunes that edge forest lands. This view is along a manmade jetty that edges the Suislaw River as it spills into the Pacific Ocean.

Marie is considering moving to Florence. What do you think? Should she do it?