My city friends always are excited to have fresh crab..but most of them freak out when after cooking they see me rip off their lids (right) to clean them!
Category: Sequim bay
Impressive size
When a Baldy flies just over your head, you are immediately impressed by its enormous wing span of 75 inches. I can only imagine what little creatures feel.
Baldy surveying its territory.
Marina in the mist
I just loved how the fog wove in and out of the trees at the marina.
Don’t Feel Crabby…
Today this was the only crab in our pot. Its a rock crab and it was already dead. The pots went through quite a storm and the pot was filled with mud. My hubby got a lot of exercise pulling that puppy up! He put the crab up on the pilling hoping to get our friendly bald eagle to come down for it.
Breakfast Buffet–Gull style
The seagulls come to the beach below our house everyday as the tide goes out and gather shellfish-especially clams. Then the carry them high in the air and let them drop to break them open. Then they try to fly down before any of their “friends” swoop over to get the opened prize!
Up a creek without a paddle–
Well a bay without an oar..but you get the picture. My husband was crabbing in in Sequim Bay, but the oar lock doesnt work and the oar kept coming out and floating away. Here her rescued it…but his expression tells it all!