View on the way up to Upper Dungeness Trail.
Category: Places to take visitors
Dungeness Bay
With the Dungeness Spit and Lighthouse in the distant background.
Port Williams-repost
Yesterday just went to you know where in a hand basket. I am reposting a photo from two years ago on this date.
Recently I posted the memorial at Port Williams (see below). This time of year it is indeed one of my favorite places to go and look, listen and walk. The second thumbnail shows that it is also a favorite place for others to gather. These gentle fishermen where enjoying the sun and a cup of coffee when they were approached by a young lady handing out religious tracts. I have no idea what was said, but as one left, he had a pamphlet in his hand.
George Washington Inn
Last night we were out for a drive and drove by The George Washington Inn, a unique bed and breakfast located between Sequim and Port Angeles. We pulled up to take a picture and were graciously invited by the on-site Groundskeeper to meet with the owners, Dan and Janet Abbott. Mr. Abbott invited us in for a tour of the Inn. Words cannot do justice to the actual experience of seeing the Inn in person. Everything is so beautiful; the grounds, the furnishings, the attention to detail in the interior decor, the peaceful scenery. The Inn is situated on the Strait of Juan de Fuca so you have incredible water views on one side and mountain views on the other. Perfect location for relaxation, weddings, honeymoons or retreats.
For more information on the Inn and it’s legacy click on the links. It’s really an incredible place and you can see how much pride and respect for history were behind the creation of it. The website includes a webcam, a blog ( make sure to see the pictures of the Washington State Patrol troopers that just came by for their local picture at the Inn), and details of future projects which include a lavender farm and George Washington Coffee.
Our thanks to Mr. Abbott for showing us around and sharing the history and inspiration behind the Inn.
Sunny Farms Nursery and Farm Store
The Beach at the End of Three Crabs Road – Repost
Although private property to the left, this is a great place to view the lighthouse, watch the water and look out toward the spit. My picture of the lighthouse did not turn out as well as some others I’ve seen, but click “here” to see a great photo from someone who walked the spit.
The Dungeness Spit Park – Repost
I wish I could tell you that it had miraculously let up and I had an opportunity to take this photo at the “Dungeness Spit Recreation Park”. Sadly, it’s from my archieves. I think I am getting web feet. Now some of you might think…but you live in Washington…why are you complaining? Actually I live in “Sequim”, WA, the banana belt of the Olympic Peninsula. Our rain fall ususally averages 17 to 19 inches a year.