This is dedicated to my good friend Jonas Benjamins. It was one of his favorite spots. He passed suddenly last month. He will be missed.
Category: Places to take visitors
Follow me…
This Kildeer did the usual bob up and down, fake a broken leg, move just out of my reach but get me to follow him/her away from the next behavior. I took this from about 30ft away laying on a log to get the perspective.
The blur in foreground and background are from the long lens and 3.2 fstop.
Hidden Hearts
Whitney Gardens is a fantastic place to stop if you’re traveling on Hwy 101 on Hood Canal.
Clap your hands
This guy kept popping out of the water and clapping his paws together. I’ve seen River Otters here before, but this was my first Sea Otter.
Port Townsend Boat Haven
While waiting in the ferry line for the fog to move on, I captured this shot as the fog rolled away from the marina and the Olympics were in the background.
A glimpse into youth
Remember when an inflatable boat, a bunch a friends, and a 2 foot pond was the stuff of dreams?