Category: People
Is it just me or is this bridge wonky?
Dosewallips State Park
Our photographing in Dosewallips State Park. The bridge is still there…
This is an amazing State park and campground just across the street from Hood’s Canal. Lots of fun & easy hiking trails.
Can you solve this license plate?
Below are photos from the word of mouth car show—over 100 cars!
Wanna race for pink slips?
Last weekend a semi-impromptu car show occurred at the JC Penny parking lot in Sequim. Our friend Steve was driving our golf cart around when this guy on the rascal challenged him to a race. A good time was had by all!
Women on Wheels
My friends ask me if it’s Women on Wine or maybe Women on Whisky, or better yet Whacky ol’ Women…
My friends know me well!
This is what I LOVE about Sequim the most. Yes the population is skewed to 70+ but this community is ACTIVE. Like this group of awesome women- Women on Wheels. We get together and ride every Tuesday and Friday year long-it is Sunny Sequim after all. There is an annual WOW ride to the top of Hurricane ridge. I’m 60 and I got my hinny kicked by ladies 72+!
That’s me on the left…had to photoshop me in. Getting faster at that since I’m always the one taking group photos even with my pixel 4 here.
The real Marlboro Man
This was actually our really nice bus driver who agreed to pose when we stopped near this old railroad. I think he looks authentic. He did usually have a smoke going…
I may have done a little antiquing in post processing-Ha!
Datoga Tribe
This man just exuded such a peaceful countenance.