101 Diner

When I took this photo, my plan was to occasionally put in photos from some of my favorite restaurants. 101 is right on Highway 101 in downtown Sequim. The restaurant is decorated in a 50’s motif…and the food is just about what you would expect…genuine American. I like to go there with my kids for breakfast. My grandson requested we go there for his birthday last year..he swears they have the best bacon in town.
The picture doesn’t look like it, but this is a sign about 10 foot tall, suspended on a pole above the restaurant. When I downloaded the photo, I thought it looked more like a emblem on a wall.

More Mexican Independence Day Celebration

This dancer is wearing a costume from the State of Vera Cruz. The cost of the costumes is off set by donations made to the group. They danced for an hour and a half. Before and after the dance, Mexican food was available. It was an awesome evening and a thrill to see so many of the performers that I know.

Mexican Independence Day

Our local Hispanic Folkloric group danced in front of a packed crowd, Saturday the 16th, in Guy Cole Convention Center at Carrie Blake park This year’s celebration featured dances from 7 different states in Mexico. Most of the costumes worn are purchased in Mexico. The dancers are composed of local business people, high school and middle school students. The local Hispanic Community wants to share their culture with their children and their friends who live here in Sequim.

Soccer Season

It’s soccer season in Sequim! I had the pleasure of watching two grandsons play this last weekend. As I was walking by this game, I took this picture and heard the coach question, “Do you remember those white lines I talked about? We need to keep the ball inside the white lines.” I questioned one of the moms about what the arrow was for….it helps the little ones remember which goal is theirs. Thank goodness for all the volunteer coaches who help kids learn to love this sport!