Music In Sequim

The band shelter at Carrie Blake Park in Sequim, WA

In the Sequim area there are many opportunities to listen to and participate in musical events. At Carrie Blake Park we have a recently constructed band shelter. On Saturday afternoons during the summer you can listen to a variety of musical performances. Last weekend Sequim Marimba performed to a “packed’ lawn. The group has been together for about 10 years and performs mostly music from Zimbobwa (sp?)

Welcome to Sequim, WA!

A store called Purple Haze in Sequim, WA


Home of lavender, elk, retired people and their parents, Sequim is no longer the sleeply little agricultural community it once was. We unfortunately now have a Wally world, two-round-a-bouts, a lavender festival that reportedly attracts 30,00 plus people and a fancy dancy state of the art Costco. I’ll share all the wonderful things about living in Sequim, and a bit of the tongue in cheek grumbling of our locals (I would be one of them). Still, Purple Haze is one of my favorite places in the downtown area. Check out the Purple Haze website for more information.