A tree in three views

First I caught sight of this tree (A cherry? Flowering plum?) while walking in the reclaimed quarry area of Butchart Gardens. As with so many specimen trees in the garden, it was beautifully framed by everything around it.

Then, while walking on a path above it, it again took center stage.

Further along, looking back, it was still eye catching and glorious. That’s the sort of balance a perfectly designed garden offers.

By now, a couple of weeks later, the massed beds on the margins of each of these shots will be in bloom with tulips and other colorful bedding plants. The gardens become more breathtaking as spring progresses.


Tulips were just beginning to get glorious at Butchart Gardens when we were there on April 2nd. Many flower beds like this one showed early blooms in the forefront with more foliage and buds not far behind. Other bedding plants, like forget-me-nots, will fill in as spring progresses.

There were enough blooms throughout the garden for me to find and declare a new favorite: Early Harvest.