Just in time

One of our historic barns is getting a new lease on life, and not a moment too soon.

Before our heavier than usual snows in February this machinery arrived at the barn used by the Lavender Connection to support an obviously sagging roof. Failing shingles were removed. Then it snowed…a lot. The weight of snow would likely have caused collapse.

Bit by bit the roof is being repaired and replaced. It’s a big job, and no doubt a hit on a pocketbook of any size.

I took this shot in 2017. It was clear even then that its days were numbered. It’s very nice to see it brought back to useful life.


I introduced you to a trio of kildeer eggs here on March 30th. The chicks hatched last Wednesday, April 24th, and by afternoon all three were scrambling about on our neighbor’s driveway and lawn. They seem to have come into the world running.

This is one of many unsuitable shots and the best I could manage. One of the two attentive parents is on the left and two of the chicks are toward the center and right of the shot. They blend in well to the rocks and soil. We’ve continued to hear them but haven’t seen much of the family since The Big Day.

Let’s do lunch

DH had wanted to go to Sequim Kabob House for ages. We finally decided the moment had come. Since there was so much we hadn’t tried we ordered a platter that gave us some of everything. Actually it was two platters. Part 1 is above, an array of “starters” from falafels and hummus to baba ganoush and pita bread.

Here’s Part 2. The food was so good I kept forgetting to take pictures. So the shish kebabs have been attacked. They arrived with delicious pieces of lamb, chicken, and beef along with rice and grilled peppers, tomatoes, and onions.

Need I say we pretty much skipped dinner that night?

Human flight

A while back we looked out the window to see someone flying back and forth at a distance.

Do you see the speck towards the middle of this shot? He or she was way up there. And probably had a spectacular view.

It would be nice to fly like a bird. But until I grow a pair of suitable wings I’m not sure this is how I’d care to take flight.