Tag-you’re it

Views of Sequim, the Olympic Peninsula. . .and beyond
Whitney Gardens is a fantastic place to stop if you’re traveling on Hwy 101 on Hood Canal.
These 5 cities have no cars and are accessible only by train at the top or boat at the bottom.
Dosewallips State Park
Our photographing in Dosewallips State Park. The bridge is still there…
This is an amazing State park and campground just across the street from Hood’s Canal. Lots of fun & easy hiking trails.
This guy kept popping out of the water and clapping his paws together. I’ve seen River Otters here before, but this was my first Sea Otter.
Below are photos from the word of mouth car show—over 100 cars!
Last weekend a semi-impromptu car show occurred at the JC Penny parking lot in Sequim. Our friend Steve was driving our golf cart around when this guy on the rascal challenged him to a race. A good time was had by all!