My cycling group Women on Wheels (WOW) took a trip to Bayview Washington and there were sooooo many cool things to photograph. Such as this cool inlet to the bay. I put some artisitc effects on it to make it a lil painterly.
Views of Sequim, the Olympic Peninsula. . .and beyond
My cycling group Women on Wheels (WOW) took a trip to Bayview Washington and there were sooooo many cool things to photograph. Such as this cool inlet to the bay. I put some artisitc effects on it to make it a lil painterly.
This boat is just north of Brinnon. I have driven by it hundreds of times. But the flowers and mountains set it off this day. I put some artistic filters on the foliage. But that is how the boat looks in the middle of the field.
I shot this in 30mph winds at Far Reaches Farm in Port Townsend. He was hanging on for dear life to his FAVORITE plant–thistle!
This lil black cap chickadee flew into our window. My husband picked him up before the cat could. He was going to help him fly away-BUT it had a very tight grip of his fingers and wouldn’t let go. So my husband let him sit there for about 10 minutes until he got his wits back and flew off.
I love watching how the mountains constantly change throughout the year. All you have to do is turn your head.
Look carefully at this acacia tree’s thorns! Giraffes eat the leaves around these.
This guy made the funniest face just as I was zooming in. I was as long ways away but I swear he was looking right down my lens.