I love looking at logs and snags in the forest and often see faces and shapes. I just needed to add the eyes, and there you have it. The easter bunny hiding out until next year!
Category: Olympic National Park
What happened to spring?
This very foggy shot was taken at Lake Crescent. At least it stopped raining!
I am always fascinated by the fog and clouds drifting in and out of the tree in the Olympics. I thought this was more powerful in Sepia.
Kalaloch Beach
Kalaloch Beach is long and straight without the sea stacks found on most the other beaches.
Come to the light
Ardythe took this at second beach near Kalaloch on the Washington coast.
I hope you enjoyed your week with the art of Ardythe Wendt. Isn’t she inspiring?
Youth and the teeter/totter
Kids Making their own fun at Rialto beach.
The rugged Washington Coast
Rialto beach never disappoints no matter what the weather. Our coastline is NOT great for swimming: Cold/rocky/terrible rip tides/ and lots of floating killer logs. But it is amazing to watch and to photograph.
Sol Duc Beauty
The Sol Duc River splits into these three tails making the falls. This is just the very top of the falls. It’s one of my favorite falls in the area.