I love trees, and bark on trees, and lovely light on trees…
This was the holy grail for me. I can hear my son in my head…okay? whatever floats your boat mom…
Views of Sequim, the Olympic Peninsula. . .and beyond
I love trees, and bark on trees, and lovely light on trees…
This was the holy grail for me. I can hear my son in my head…okay? whatever floats your boat mom…
We had a break in the weather, so got up at 0 dark thirty to be able to arrive at the lake before sunrise. We were hoping for some clouds to make it interesting. Mother Nature did not disappoint!
This very foggy shot was taken at Lake Crescent. At least it stopped raining!
I am always fascinated by the fog and clouds drifting in and out of the tree in the Olympics. I thought this was more powerful in Sepia.
This is a huge picturesque farm off of hwy 101 just before you reach Sequim. This family has been here since 1910 farming and logging. Often within the white fence are baby cows and sheep (which I have been seen crawling up to the fence to photograph!)
I am often mesmerized by the fog. I love the way it dances in between trees and buildings. I could watch it for hours.
Just before dusk on a stormy afternoon the fog was dipping in and out of the valleys in the foothills of the Olympic Mountains.