This gorgeous Barred owl hung out at my friends house for a good 40 minutes.
Category: My Yard
Bye Bye Birdie
This BEAUTIFUL Western Tanager and a few of his friends come to our area (and my bird feeders) each summer. The first time we saw one we thought somebodies exotic bird got loose it was so vibrant compared to all the other birds. They have flown south for the winter.
When it itches…scratch it
My resident eagle on the old dock post.
Ahhhh Kayak weather
It’s so awesome to be able to kayak off my backyard. Have to go in the morning BEFORE the wind picks up!
I’m keeping an eye on you.
This Barred owl stayed in the tree for hours…but most often kept one eye sort of open.
I’m waiting patiently….
This tree swallow chick is waiting for one of its parents to bring some yummy take out home.
Baby Hummingbirds
So while I was at my friends house photographing the owl, she shows me a baby hummer on the ground. It was still breathing and she had found its nest 15 ft up on a branch. Her hubby got a ladder and put it back in the nest. I climbed up the hill across from the tree just barely high enough to see into this tiny nest. It’s only 2″ wide and maybe 3″ deep. As I was watching a head started poking up from underneath the bird that fell. It eventually got all the way to the top when I took this shot. I waited for about 30 minutes hoping the mom would return. We kept hearing a hummer chirp in the area. I was a good 50ft in the forest from the tree with the nest. I eventually gave up and went home. My friend said about 5 minutes after I left the mom came and feed them.