This barn swallow chick was always first to hang out the door waiting for food. He blocked the entrance so he got most the food. He got so fat he barely fit!
Views of Sequim, the Olympic Peninsula. . .and beyond
This barn swallow chick was always first to hang out the door waiting for food. He blocked the entrance so he got most the food. He got so fat he barely fit!
This baby barn swallow never seems to think he has enough. The parents are feeding him and his siblings non-stop.
This beautiful Anna’s Hummer comes to my Pinapple Sage plant every night. I was able to take this photo thru my kitchen window (thanks hubby for cleaning them so I could get this shot!)
This lil black cap chickadee flew into our window. My husband picked him up before the cat could. He was going to help him fly away-BUT it had a very tight grip of his fingers and wouldn’t let go. So my husband let him sit there for about 10 minutes until he got his wits back and flew off.