Who needs Siberia? I have Sequim!


Miss Bon Bon (my siberian) LOVES the snow. She doesn’t get to see it often here in Sequim. But it seems like every two years she get a week to exercise her full Siberian-ness. (I know my high school english teacher is rolling in her grave at my grammar…sorry Mrs. Persons.)

We had a VERY white Christmas here this year with 10 inches initially and about two more this week with temperatures in the teens–and THAT is very unusual.

Artistic Hummer

This photo of mine was EXPERTLY edited by my friend Barbara Lippert. (my original photo can be seen below. I have a group of friends that get together every Monday. We often take one photo and all do our own creative edits and then share them. It’s amazing how all of our creative minds work differently. I think Barbara’s take was amazing!