Category: Lavender
Luv me some lavender…
Purple Haze Lavender Farm
I understand the new owners made the house into an Air B&B..What a setting!
Lavender Love
Luna the wonderdog
Luna-this precious dog was hanging out with her “parents” at Purple Haze lavendar farm when friends and I went to shoot at golden hour. They convinced her to pose for us in the chair…
This weekend is lavender festival in Sequim
Sequim is all about its lavender in July and August. The 3rd weekend in July is always lavendar festival. Although the last 2 covid years have put a big damper on things. The fields are once again open this year.
My friend Diana was smiling but also saying hurry up–there’s bees in here!
Surrounded by magnificent mountains…
I love watching how the mountains constantly change throughout the year. All you have to do is turn your head.
I smell lavendar–it must be summer
I set up a remote camera to take this photo with my Bestie Diana at the Olympic Lavender field.