It was a little disconcerting to suddenly be INSIDE a school of fish while snorkeling in the Galapagos.
Views of Sequim, the Olympic Peninsula. . .and beyond
It was a little disconcerting to suddenly be INSIDE a school of fish while snorkeling in the Galapagos.
Ever wonder what it feels like to be a fish in school?
I can tell you it’s a little disconcerting to be snorkeling in the Galapagos and suddenly feel yourself INSIDE a school of fish. All of them rubbing past your arms and legs.
But it is quite an experience!
But you are so cute! River Otter at the High Desert Museum sanctuary.
My fellow hikers were laughing at me because I was always laying on the ground…But doesn’t he look good from this viewpoint?
I was hiking thru the forest and when I looked over this little fern was GLOWING! It just had a tiny bit of light coming thru the canopy to light it up, like it was saying “I’m here-I’m here!”
These river otters climbed trees, rock, and each other!