The Sol Duc River splits into these three tails making the falls. This is just the very top of the falls. It’s one of my favorite falls in the area.
Views of Sequim, the Olympic Peninsula. . .and beyond
The Sol Duc River splits into these three tails making the falls. This is just the very top of the falls. It’s one of my favorite falls in the area.
Just before dusk on a stormy afternoon the fog was dipping in and out of the valleys in the foothills of the Olympic Mountains.
Mt Baker was the only thing in sunlight this am the other 270 of view was BLACK CLOUDS. It stayed this way for over 4 hours. That is Whidbey island in the foreground
It has been SOOOO foggy here recently. I feel like I’m constantly walking in a cloud. From my living room I watch the fog/mist/clouds envelope and release John Wayne Marina all morning
One of my resident baldy’s came down to rest on the piling in front of my house. He’d been in a 20 minute tussle with several gulls that were pulling at his tail feathers. It always amazes me to see this because eagles routinely EAT GULLS.
My motto is don’t poke the bear…but it seems these gulls had had enough!
I shot this photo of a Kingfisher in the Amazon. He is very similar to ours, just a little tweak in the coloring, but just as fast!
I pass down thru the lit village every night during the holiday season. It just sparks my spirit, it is so festive and pretty. Then they take the lights down and it’s winter and it seems so blah…