When you least expect it, he jumps out! (All I added were the eyes) But he’s there right?
Views of Sequim, the Olympic Peninsula. . .and beyond
When you least expect it, he jumps out! (All I added were the eyes) But he’s there right?
The tree line of Lake Crescent in early am. Turned to B&W
Fort Worden is also home to Battery Kinze. A fortress that formerly housed long guns to defend the straight of Juan de Fuca. This is an ARTISTIC version of the battery. 1. Staff paint over the graffiti with whatever paint they have creating quite the mosaic of color. 2. There is very little light is all the rooms creating quite a creepy effect (thus the ghost man at the end…
This lighthouse is part of the Fort Warden park.
Whale cove lives up to its name
This cove on the Oregon coast called whale cove didn’t disappoint. It has several viewing platforms. This day we saw a mom and baby gray whale. This was the baby.
I’m always yelling LOOK at the LAYERS around the Olympic Mountains. The atmospherics here create such lovely looks.
On my fox trip to San Juan Island my friend and I were exploring in the van, and she screamed OW! OW! or so I thought…
It was OWL! This guy had just flown to a branch parallel to the van. I stopped, got my camera climbed over (actually on top of) my friend to shoot out the window. Usually they are very skiddish, and I didn’t want to miss the shot.
After I took this, he flew to another branch about 20ft away. I was able to get out of the van and photograph him as long as I wanted. He wasn’t going anywhere.