Category: General
Cedar Waxwing or bandit?
Taken at Bloedel Reserve ion Bainbridge Island.
Steampunk Puppy
This Chihuahua/dragon rode in style when he wasn’t being carried.
Heart of the Hive
This wasp or hornet’s nest (i wasn’t going to stick around long enough to determine!) was shaped like a heart. It was right behind me as I was photographing the Snoqualmie river. Who knew hornets used rebar!
Faraway Friday-Australia
There was an entire room FULL of beautiful orchids at the Sydney Royal Botanical Gardens
Snoqualmie River
The water was still really flowing from the final melt off.
Wildlife Wednesday-Galapagos
This was a bucket list for me-swimming with sea turtles. Very cool experience. My lil Olympus underwater worked pretty good!