The Itsy Bitsy Spider

A White Crab Spider Walks Crablike atop a Lacy Phacelia

The Woodcock Demonstration Garden located at 2711 Woodcock Road, Sequim, offers a nice number of plants, flowers, bees, bugs and yes, spiders.

Crab spiders are ones with long front legs, moving with crablike sideways motions and typically hiding in plants and flowers waiting for prey, e.g., aphids, and unfortunately honey bees, bumblebees and butterflies – and of course, they’re white, versus brown, green, or yellow. 

Luckily for us, they’re not harmful or poisonous to humans, although some of us may still not appreciate their presence. But not to worry if you find one in your house, it was probably misguided and it would actually be happier if you were to put it outside. 

Crab spiders are also unique in that they don’t spin webs; they walk on top of plants and flowers until they drop a silk line to hunt, like a fishermen. So there’s no need to fear that you may run into a web on your way out the door either.

And if you’re like me and you enjoy photographing nature, stop by the Garden to enjoy not only the plants and beautiful flowers, but all the living creatures, notably the crab spiders.