Our Welcome Elk

Our elk still has his Xmas red nose. He gets decorated every year.

Before you come to this sign on hwy 101, there are warning signs that are activated by collars if the elk herd gets within 20 yards of the hwy. I haven’t seen the herd cross but the sign definitely goes off now and then.

The herd definitely comes down into the valley to munch on the open farmlands.

Bike Rodeo–Sequim Style

The Olympic Peninsula Bicycle Alliance holds a bike rodeo every year to teach kids safe biking skills.

They learn to stop safely, avoid objects, learn hand signals and road safety.

Lots of volunteers from biking groups, state park rangers, Sequim Police department were all involved.

We even got “Mad Max” here riding by himself for the first time. His mother started crying…It was a pretty cool day!

Music in the Park-Sequim

Every Tuesday at 6pm in the summer we have Music in the Park at the amphitheater in Carrie Blake Park. This night featured Black Diamond Junction which is a local favorite. Here everyone is dancing to the song SHOUT. I love the joy this little girl had dancing to it.

All the concerts are free. Everyone brings blankets and picnics.

The really fun time about living in a small town is that there is always room at an event for your family (even if you show up late!) AND you will always know lots of people. I went to the event by myself, but worked my way from group of friends to group of friends–it was a smorgasbord! A great time as usual.

Amanda Bacon always give a great show!