Theme Day: Take Away/Take Out

Take away

Today is Theme Day for City Daily Photo photographers and the theme challenge is “Take Away Store” or, for us in the U.S., “Take Out.”

Modest shops like these are typically unassuming, often family owned, and can be hit or miss. For me, Koto Teriyaki in Sequim is a hit. The owners are very nice and as part of the usual teriyaki and Asian fare they offer a nice yakisoba that’s just right when we need a noodle fix.

Click here to see other posts on today’s theme.

The sand artist

Kali 1

I ran into Kali Bradford last week as she put finishing touches on one of her latest sand sculptures on West Washington Street next to Lucky Star Consignment Clothing.

Kali 2

Kali wasn’t enthusiastic about posing for a portrait, though she didn’t exactly refuse. So I snapped a quick shot as she talked about her art (her work, which she has created in several Sequim locations, is all volunteer and unpaid), her work as a health educator, and her challenge to local vandals (take one of her art classes and channel energy positively).

Kali 3

Kali debated whether to paint parts of this sculpture. Some people, she said, don’t “get” her sand sculptures and recognize the forms in them.

Kali 4

I returned a couple of days later to see her completed work, this mermaid…unpainted.

Return of the Yarn Bombers

Yarn bomb 2

Just in time for the Lavender Festival: Sequim’s Yarn Bombers have added whimsy to our downtown. (Either that or we have some unusual visitors this year.) Here’s Pink Lady out for a stroll with her dog on North Sequim Avenue.

Yarn bomb 3

Lavender Lady is nearby.

Yarn bomb 4

Lavender Lady holds a small lavender bouquet.

Yarn bomb 5

And hovering about Lavender Lady’s skirt are the ever-present bees that love our lavender. The ladies are, justifiably, attracting lots of attention.

More yarn bombing tomorrow. (Thank you, SAM, for alerting me to this latest bombing siege!)

Community Organic Garden of Sequim (COGS)

Community Garden 1

The Sequim Community Garden is in full swing. It offers annual plots of approximately 100 square feet for gardeners who are committed to growing without chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides.

Community Garden 2

It looks like plots are coming along nicely. Smaller, raised beds like these are offered for those “who cannot handle the traditional, in-ground plot.”

Community Garden 3

From my experience, it sure is nice to grow and eat your own vegetables. Click here for more information about COGS.

The new City Hall

Civic Ctr June 14

They had the formal ground breaking for Sequim’s new City Hall last week. You know the event: Five or six people lined up wearing hard hats and wielding shovels, throwing a little dirt around. The real work has already begun; in April I posted the demolition of the old building, here. And before the shovel ceremony there were surveyors and others getting the work underway.

Civic Ctr 2 June 14

These days the progress is subtle; behind a cyclone fence it’s even more masked. There are forms being built for foundations here. Once the foundation is poured and set things begin to rise above ground. From time to time I’ll drop by the site to show you how things are going.



The fire this past Monday at Baja Cantina and Sequim Consignment Co. raged for about four hours. The cause has yet to be determined and announced. One thing is certain: it was devastating.

Baja Cantina after

Enroute to a call, two passing EMTs saw smoke pouring from under the eaves. One stayed here and evacuated people from the buildings while the other responded to the call.

Sequim Consignment after

I worked for a nonprofit years ago that experienced a total loss fire like this at its operational headquarters. “Heartbreaking” barely begins to describe it.