Lavender time

Lavender and bee

Today begins Sequim’s annual three day Lavender Festival celebrating all things lavender. Most of our region offers good growing conditions for lavender and local crops range in size from a small backyard bush or two to large farms with hundreds of plants in dozens of varieties.

Lavender and bee 2

Most lavender growing operations are open to visitors during the festival and some offer entertainment, food, lavender education, and craft vendors. A downtown street fair fills in any gaps if you want to shop, eat, be entertained, and sniff lavender and lavender products all in one location.

Side note: If anyone’s counting, this marks my 1,750th post on Sequim Daily Photo. Time flies!

Olympic Medical Center

Olympic Medical Center

The Olympic Medical Center in Sequim offers several medical specialties, a lab, diagnostic imaging, and a walk in clinic for locals who look for medical care on the Olympic Peninsula. It’s not always quick or easy to find local specialists here — or even generalists for that matter.

Olympic Cancer Center

But we do have a small cancer center.

Rusting Rooster

Rusting Rooster 1

The Rusting Rooster opened late last year in downtown Sequim. It certainly looks like a fun shop. It features “upcycled, repurposed, vintage, local art, and cool finds.” Can’t argue with that. At least for now it’s only open on Fridays and Saturdays.

Rusting Rooster 2

There has been an assortment of businesses at this location. Since I’ve been here there has been an auto repair shop and auto detailing. And through it all the Texaco and the Chevron express lube signs have remained. At least one of the businesses tried to get the Chevron sign removed. After all, Chevron wasn’t there anymore. But Sequim has a sign code that doesn’t permit a sign to be removed if it’s been in place for some measure of time. At least I think that’s what it is. Truthfully, I don’t understand the code. Bottom line: the sign stays, even if Chevron doesn’t.