The Threads Count exhibit at the Museum and Arts Center has both delights and surprises. Take this hat, for example. Interesting on the face of it. Even more interesting after you read the artist’s statement by Lauralee DeLucca from Sequim:
“Stuck by a freak snowstorm in a creepy hotel in N. CA I did this to crack my kids up. It worked and doesn’t look half bad!”
The hat is constructed from…ready?…toilet paper!
There were a number of interesting hats displayed on animal heads, or “chapooches,” as they are called by Michele Delli Gatt of Port Angeles. Delli Gatt, fond of puns and word play, entitles the hat above, covered with “Pupp Pastry,” “Great Dane-ish.” Can you see why I found this exhibit so much fun?
Lest you come away thinking this exhibit is short on traditional weaving and fiber arts, here’s a glimpse of some of the beautiful, more conventional pieces. There are also fine examples of textile techniques and some lovely woven hangings. If you’re local or happen to be coming to Sequim the exhibit is well worth a visit.