More from the Threads Count exhibit

The Threads Count exhibit at the Museum and Arts Center has both delights and surprises. Take this hat, for example. Interesting on the face of it. Even more interesting after you read the artist’s statement by Lauralee DeLucca from Sequim:
“Stuck by a freak snowstorm in a creepy hotel in N. CA I did this to crack my kids up. It worked and doesn’t look half bad!”
The hat is constructed from…ready?…toilet paper!

There were a number of interesting hats displayed on animal heads, or “chapooches,” as they are called by Michele Delli Gatt of Port Angeles. Delli Gatt, fond of puns and word play, entitles the hat above, covered with “Pupp Pastry,” “Great Dane-ish.” Can you see why I found this exhibit so much fun?

Lest you come away thinking this exhibit is short on traditional weaving and fiber arts, here’s a glimpse of some of the beautiful, more conventional pieces. There are also fine examples of textile techniques and some lovely woven hangings. If you’re local or happen to be coming to Sequim the exhibit is well worth a visit.

Threads Count exhibit

I’d heard there was a textiles exhibit at the Museum and Arts Center and took a look last week. I was glad I did. While it has a selection of beautifully woven and stitched items, the displays included the sorts of whimsical items that I never fail to find delightful. One example is “The Madwoman in the Basement,” above, by Diane Williams of Port Angeles.

I love the artist’s statement: “The Madwoman in the Basement is a self-portrait. She is constructed mostly of stuff that fell to the floor of my basement studio. I swept up and had a doll. Her hair is very much like mine, thick, multi-textured, and uncontrollable. Her glasses are a scatter pin that I got for my sixth birthday. Sometimes it pays to keep everything and make messes. Her husband thinks she’s a hoarder.”

The Peace Mandala, above, is one of two items from Pat Herkal of Port Townsend that caught my eye.

This is the second piece from Pat Herkal that I liked, called “Two Time Tina.” The artist’s statement is, “Two Time Tina is as frustrated as I am with today’s technology. We are both using all our parts to try to stay current and to hold onto our past skills.” I’m no technophobe but I can definitely relate.

The “Threads Count — Textiles, Technology and Tales” exhibit will be on display through November. I’ll show you a few more pieces tomorrow.

Lavender lookback

There is a three day street fair as part of the Sequim Lavender Festival. Several blocks downtown become a pedestrian thoroughfare, lined with vendor booths. Lavender in every form is sold. And dozens of vendors also sell arts and crafts, jewelry, clothing, candles, you name it. The fair is always a big draw and last Friday, the first day, was no exception.

This was one of the more clever tee shirts for sale.

And this was the day’s winner in the “my sentiments exactly!” category.


I recently had lunch with friends at Alder Wood Bistro. It was one of the first perfect weather days we’ve had this summer and the outdoor patio was ideal. Lunch was great. Dessert was better still. Bliss, in fact. Chocolate bliss, one of their signature sweets.

Shaker lemon pie was also on the menu, also a winner.

The patio area is shaded by two enormous cherry trees and landscaped with edibles that are used in the kitchen. A wonderful spot for a good time with friends.