Faraway Friday-Victoria CA What’s YOUR caption?

I’ll explain in a minute…but add your caption BEFORE you read the story…

So on a visit to Victoria (Our 1st since COVID) There was a 5K race. We were walking the streets to go photograph it. When in a parking lot we saw THIS…

The triceratops was helping the T rex get his race # on….I think. We were all laughing soooooooo hard we could barely talk nor photograph without shaking.

Here you can see they DID race!

WOW ladies head to West Seattle

Our Women On Wheels group does monthly out-of-area- rides. This ride we parked on the Bainbridge island side, then took our bikes aboard to Seattle.

Then we rode from the ferry, around to West Seattle, All over the place and came back just to have it rain at the ferry dock. A GREAT TIME was had by all!

We’re in West Seattle now, with Seattle and the Space Needle behind us.
Riding along the waterfront on the dirt trail.
We had beautiful views of the Olympics from here.