I had fun watching these two ducks at Lake Crescent. They did everything in perfect synchronization. It was like watching duck synchro swimming!
Views of Sequim, the Olympic Peninsula. . .and beyond
I had fun watching these two ducks at Lake Crescent. They did everything in perfect synchronization. It was like watching duck synchro swimming!
This red breasted parakeet was GORGEOUS
Mirror mirror on the wall who’s the prettiest bird of all…
This baldy seemed to be admiring himself in the puddle reflection. I didn’t quite get that in my timing of the shot. I was on a VERY BOUNCY boat (9-12ft swells) in Homer AK.
Blue Footed Boobie checkin’ out his own cool blue feet!
Cape Coral has the largest population of burrowing owls in Florida. They are tiny reaching only 9 inches in height and weighing only 4-7 ounces.
This male Barrow’s Goldeneye was really trying to impress this female. He would dive and flap and make lots of bubbles in the process.
This bonded pair (did you notice the second one below?) has been hunting in the bay all week long. They are reinforcing their nest (they usually come back year after year) and will will have babies soon.