Frozen birds in Bosque del Apache

Note the bird on the far right is still frozen in the pond.

Also note that it was 17 degrees and said photographer was also frozen in place. It’s VERY hard to control your settings when it’s nearly pitch black and you can’t feel your hands!

A Week @ Bosque Del Apache NM

Sandhill Crane waking up in the ice at Sunrise. The birds had to break free of the ice that formed around them during the night before they could fly to the fields to graze.

I love to turn photos into pieces of art…


Ok so this might seem like a weird photo for THANKSGIVING…

However, it makes me feel blessed and thankful every time I see it. My parenats gave me the gift of travel from a very young age. They helped me delve into many cultures and taught me not to be just a “surface tourist”.

I have an amazingly supportive husband who travels with me some of the time, but sets me free to explore & photograph things by myself or with others.

I get to travel the world and share it with all of you thru my lens.

I really appreciate all of your support and kind feedback.

My parting words–Get out there and ENJOY EVERY DAY. Discover something new. Whether it’s in you backyard or in the VERY COLD waters of the Arctic!

Live a little…