The icebergs and such interesting shapes & colors up in the high Arctic.
THese “snowballs” were each the size of a bus.
Views of Sequim, the Olympic Peninsula. . .and beyond
The icebergs and such interesting shapes & colors up in the high Arctic.
THese “snowballs” were each the size of a bus.
I enjoy using different techniques to create artistic images.
This was shot at high noon sun in Bosque del Apache. While the birds snoozed we sought to make fun abstracts.
Precovid at least 5 LARGE cruise ships passed thru the straight on the way to Alaska. They almost all stopped in Victoria, where we found the Disney Wonder.
I loved the Donald Duck and Nephew characters hanging off the stern.
We are finally seeing at least three 3 ships every week now..sometimes more.
This hummer had a nest in the iron ring at the bottom of this light fixture in the Parliament House in Victoria BC.
I love light houses….but the usually have lots of people in and around them. So this shot took lots of editing to remove them and I gave it a little painterly effect.
The ways that the icebergs melt and flow and just beautiful.
This large glacier in the high Arctic is melting off into three waterfalls. You can see it feeding silt into the water which the shrimp and fish like…And the Puffins really like the eat those! This island has one of the highest concentrations of breeding Atlantic Puffins in the world.