This male Howler monkey was NOT happy that our canoe stopped near his troop. He kept hollering and when we did not move he climbed out on a branch over our boat and pooped. Needless to say that got us moving!
Views of Sequim, the Olympic Peninsula. . .and beyond
This male Howler monkey was NOT happy that our canoe stopped near his troop. He kept hollering and when we did not move he climbed out on a branch over our boat and pooped. Needless to say that got us moving!
I arrived early enough to the Skagit Valley Tulip festival to catch a few fields of daffodils in all their glory.
Skagit is just a few hours away by ferry.
Mirror mirror on the wall who’s the prettiest bird of all…
This baldy seemed to be admiring himself in the puddle reflection. I didn’t quite get that in my timing of the shot. I was on a VERY BOUNCY boat (9-12ft swells) in Homer AK.
Cape Coral has the largest population of burrowing owls in Florida. They are tiny reaching only 9 inches in height and weighing only 4-7 ounces.
Who said it always rains in Seattle? (WE just say that to keep EVERYONE from moving here..)
Skagit Valley
I was just watching a Nat Geo episode on the Galapagos. The focused on these amazing marine iguanas. I feel so blessed that I got to see them in person…they do look like little Godzillas!
I love the pattern this one was making as he climbed the sand hill.