It was pouring as you can see…but mom was on the hunt for one of the THOUSANDS of bunnies on the prairie. The foxes were intoduced onto the islad in the 1800’s to reduce the rabbit population that was decimating their crops.

Views of Sequim, the Olympic Peninsula. . .and beyond
It was pouring as you can see…but mom was on the hunt for one of the THOUSANDS of bunnies on the prairie. The foxes were intoduced onto the islad in the 1800’s to reduce the rabbit population that was decimating their crops.
The kitts would run around and around this tree and stump.
This lil one was all by himself.
Sometimes you can’t tell the story in just one day. So this week I’m dedicating the entire week to the foxes of San Juan Island. It is just a day trip away from Sequim. Friends and I went up for the first time to see what all the fuss was about. Total cuteness–that’s what! Let me know which are your favorites…
The top photo was mom with the lil runt of the litter. This one was of two playing chase. THe one in the back was ALWAYS the trouble maker
When he tackled his sibling mom came over and scooted him off.
My biking group rode from the ferry in Bainbridge around west Seattle–this was a gorgeous view from our trail.
Hundreds of photographers swarm Yosemite on a certain day each fall when the temperature and the moon align just right to create a moonbeam in the falls at night. I was able to capture just one (see the bottom). This was taken with long exposure at 1am!
This was shot riding my bike along the waterfront trail from the ferry dock in downtown Seattle
Fantail Fall– Oregon beaches near Arcadia
Each shot is progressively closer