Those of you who live inland are really missing out on Light Houses…
Victoria Canada is only a 90min ferry ride away.
Views of Sequim, the Olympic Peninsula. . .and beyond
Those of you who live inland are really missing out on Light Houses…
Victoria Canada is only a 90min ferry ride away.
Those eyes definitely say WILDlife.
It was a misty rainy day… so the atmosphere created a hazy backdrop. All I had to do was crop!
These guys stacked up like a cheer squad pyramid just for you!
Mom was curled up near the den. The Kitts were still on play mode…
How many kitts do you see?
Some shots remind you that they are wild animals…This was quite the look thru my lens.
On the first day we were about to give up. All the foxes were way to far for us to photograph. We were starting to drive home when just to the right of our car (like 10 feet away) I saw this girl jogging along. I screamed STOP STOP STOP.
We shot these from our car window!
The foxes are usually Red or reddish/blond. But San Juan has a variation found in very few other places in the world..BLACK. This one caught a tasty fat mole.
THis is what MOST of a photographer’s images will look like. THe were generally from 300-500 feet away (If you were following the rules anyway!)
If you were patient they would sometimes come to you…Like the one on top.
She came so close my lens was too long to even get her whole body in the shot.
It was pouring as you can see…but mom was on the hunt for one of the THOUSANDS of bunnies on the prairie. The foxes were intoduced onto the islad in the 1800’s to reduce the rabbit population that was decimating their crops.