Olympic Iliad-Olympic Sculpture Park

Alexander Liberman’s Olympic Iliad, orange-red painted steel sculpture, installed in 1984 on the lawn southwest from the Space Needle. In the background is the famous Space Needle painted the original “Galaxy Gold” for it’s 60th birthday celebration.

I like the way people are seated all around the various sculptures found in this Seattle Park.

I’m shy-Wildlife Wednesday

Heron’s are so shy. I scouted this one and several others in a bay outside Victoria. I was setting up with a long 800mm lens when a lady comes around the corner VERY LOUDLY talking to someone on her phone– completely oblivious of the three photographers set up at the entrance to the trail down to the beach.

I asked her if she could wait just 1 minute and let us take a couple shots before she went down because it would scare the birds away. She just waived her hands wildly and went tearing down the trail. I got this one shot before all the birds took flight….