There were several shore fisherman, fishing for salmon. I asked him if he caught anything. He said “No but any day fishing is better than sitting around”
That’s a gull diving down trying to get his bait.
Views of Sequim, the Olympic Peninsula. . .and beyond
There were several shore fisherman, fishing for salmon. I asked him if he caught anything. He said “No but any day fishing is better than sitting around”
That’s a gull diving down trying to get his bait.
The hike to the Dungeness Lighthouse seems to go on forever. But this curving beach leading your eyes right to Mt Baker was a great distraction.
This lil star was only the size of a quarter and all by itself in the sand. Yet it really caught my eye. (Taken on the dungeness spit)
Salt Creek Park never fails for a good tide pooling experience. They havea a FANTASTIC county park campground here. THe RV spots are parking lot style with strait views. But the rest of the spots have good separation, and THIS is the backyard!
I love tidepooling–especially at Salt Creek. At a low tide there are so many sea creatures you REALLY have to watch your step.
Tiny Sea Star at Salt Creek Park